In honour of women’s month earlier this year, waf. (WAFFLESNCREAM) have released their eagerly awaited ‘waf. Babes’ capsule. The basis for the construction of the capsule was the lack of institutional and social support for femme and marginalised skaters, which we observed and were made aware of by marginalised skaters in the community.
We decided to take a step further and actively spread the message of equity and inclusion across national borders by inviting South African fashion photographer, Assante Chiweshe, to interpret the ethos of waf. Babes via her lens. This visual communication between waf. and South Africa further builds upon the synergy being formed between both cultures through a shared love of skate culture and streetwear.
The capsule seeks to be an extension of our practice of equity.
As discussed with Bubblegum Club circa November 2022, waf. wrote:
When thinking about social inclusion, it is important to remember that we are starting from a point of inequity. Skateboarding programs for marginalised groups have numerous physical, social, and psychological challenges that significantly compromise their participation. To acknowledge this, waf. now includes a female-skaters category in all skate jams and intends to include more marginalised gender groups going forward. During their most recent Go-Skate Day celebration, Nigerian Female Skater, Abimsola Naiwo, emerged [as] the winner of the female-skaters section.
In reaction to inequality, we have launched a number of other initiatives and projects to broaden the diversity of the Nigerian skateboarding scene. Initiatives such as the waf. and Dencity annual Skate jam. Events like the skate jam offer incentive and visibility by offering prizes and awards that support and inspire female and queer skaters.
The capsule is yet another block being added to our building efforts to ensure total inclusion in the skate community regardless of wherever you fit on the spectrum. It includes t-shirts featuring a design of Phylis Wheatley, the first African American author to publish a poetry book in 1773, as well as skorts, crop tops, jumpsuits, and cargo pants. We aim to encourage diversity both within and beyond the waf. community by empowering other female and minority skaters with this body of work.

About waf.
WAFFLESNCREAM is West Africa’s premier skateboarding company, expressing African skate culture and building community through sports, fashion, music and art. Established in 2012, the company champions skateboarding culture in Nigeria, fostering young talents and serving as a hub for the local skateboarding community.
Press release courtesy of WAFFLESNCREAM
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