Although Benjamin Fisher’s first single was released independently, but listening to that first release the natural talent is clear and abundant (I Don’t Need No Other). Now, he is back with the latest track ‘What it Was’.
It’s visible, too, in his latest single, his first through Netherlands-based The Good Times Co. “What It Was” is the kind of song that emerges so fully-formed that it’s hard to imagine that this is only Fisher’s second commercial release. Riding on an easy groove and backed by a steadying beat, the song trades in nostalgia while remaining as far away from nostalgic pandering as one can get. Instead, Fisher offers up an embracing song that is streaked with melancholy, ultimately moving towards a heroic pinnacle where all things can be at ease – all carried by the warmth of his voice.
Benjamin’s first memory of hearing music in a way that wasn’t just as someone receiving it but as something he wanted to be part of came when he was about five or six years old. He was listening, as young kids do, to a children’s song that his teacher was playing through a CD player. When the song finished and the rest of the class moved away, he sat there transfixed, enthralled, feeling the magic of what was coming out of the small music player. Benjamin’s musical career is a continual reference to this moment.
Listen to ‘What it Was’ HERE
Benjamin Fisher social Media Links: Instagram | Tik Tok
Released by The Good Times Co. For more info contact [email protected]